Devil May Cry4




Dante I know this thing is a major cultural artifact…, but it's bad for the community


Trish You get it back? 取り戻した?
Dante That's one sword… こいつはな……
Trish And one to go. …Need some company? 残りは……。助けは必要?
Dante Ah…, I think you'd better help the others. Try to get them as far away from here as possible ああ……、いや別にいい。住民の避難を頼む
Trish Got it 了解


Sanctus You destroyed the Hell Gates 地獄門を破壊するとはな
Dante Yeah, kinda tainted the view. So…you ready to fight now or what? まぁな、見晴らしがよくなっただろ。さて……そろそろやるか?
Sanctus You traveled this far to fight me? You could never touch the power of the Savior! その為にそこへ登ったのか。貴様如きではこの神の力に触れることすら出来んわ!
Dante Sounds like you're overcompensating….
Besides, I didn't want you to get a creak in your neck from lookin' down at me
Sanctus Silence! What would it take for you to alter your position? 減らず口を! いつまでそんな態度が続くかな?
Dante How about death 死ぬまでさ


Dante So, you ready to eat your words?
Sanctus Do as you wish, your attempts are futile… へばりついていろ、虫けらめ……


Dante Hum…, The true form must be inside… ふん……、本体は中か……


Dante Looks like it's up to me take care of ugly here!


Sanctus Even Yamato is powerless in oppsition…to the Savior! 閻魔刀の力など通用せぬ……この神にはな!


Dante If the exterior is solid… 外が駄目なら……


Dante …then you gotta take it out from the inside
Sanctus No…! What have you done!? 貴様……! 何をしたぁ!?


Dante Time to wake up kid, you're missing out on all the fun! 起きな坊や! 遊ぼうぜ!


Dante Nero! ネロ!


Dante It's up to you from here, kid!
An opportunity to save the world doesn't happen every day you know! …Savior it
ヒーロー役はくれてやるよ! ……楽しみな
Nero This I will savor…. Let's clean up this mess! 分かったよ……。俺が終わらせる!

Mission18 終了


