Devil May Cry4





Echidna Who the hell are you!? 貴様何者じゃ!
Dante Glad I got your attention. I was beginning to feel a little ignored 無視されるのは嫌いでね
Echidna You may jest, but the kindest fate I offer is to unify, and spend eternity with a child of mine! わらわの子と一体となり、平穏な余生を送れば良いものを!


Dante As appealing as that sounds, I think I'll pass そういうお誘いなら……、パスだな


Dante Though a fight every now and again does make life more interesting. …Don't ya think? 刺激があるから人生は楽しい。……そうだろ?


Echidna My forest…! My children…! 私の森……! 私の子ら……!


Dante I think that look suits you better 黙っていた方が美人だな


Dante One down… まず一つ…


Dante …two to go

Mission13 終了


