Devil May Cry4




Nero What the… これは…


Sanctus Is it not beautiful? 美しい姿だろう?
Nero I think we've got a difference of opinion on that one 俺の趣味とは合わないね
Sanctus …How unfortunate ……それは残念だ


Nero Kyrie… キリエ……
Sanctus Is it not your wish to become one with her?
Within the Savior your mortal bodies will combine, melting into one to manifest and create his core!
A thing of ulter and pure beauty
Nero Go blow yourself! ××××してな!


Nero I'm here to save you…. Please trsut me 今、助ける……。信じてくれ
Sanctus I'm afraid you are too late.
But although still incomplete, this is your chance to catch a glimpse of the true power of our Savior!


Sanctus Held back by love. Such a shame. Still I must salute a man who carries the blood of sparda.
While not in Dante's league, you still presented a harder fight than I had anticipated
Nero Dante…? ダンテ……?
Sanctus I had orginally intended to absorb him into our Savior, but circumstance presenting
I'd rather choose the opinion at hand


Sanctus When your blood and this sword are combined,
we will be able to proceed to the final stage of our ultimate goal


Credo Nero! Run! ネロ! 逃げろ!


Nero Credo! クレド!
Sanctus You have betrayed us…. Why? お前が裏切るとは……。何故だ?
Credo I served the dream of a world you spoke of, the Savior you preached of….
But you used my sister, Kyrie, who has nothing to do with this, and that is beyond forgiveness
だが、貴方はキリエを利用した。何も知らぬ妹までも! それだけは許せぬ!
Sanctus Love…? For a sibling? How foolish…! 愛か……? 家族への? 愚か者が……!


Sanctus All that is needed is absolute power! 信ずるべきは絶対的な力のみだ


Sanctus Oh, it's you…Gloria.
Unfortunately you did not anticipate a descendant of Sparda's blood,
and because of this boy, you have been outwitted! And the Savior will be completed!
Dante Hey! What's your name? おい! 名前は?
Nero Nero. You're Dante, right? Not a bad name… ネロだ。あんたはダンテだろ? ……悪くない名前だ
Dante I don't know, I'd wager this kid's still got some life in him 知ったことかよ。坊やはまだやる気みたいだぜ?


Sanctus You fool! Escape is now impossible! The creation cannot be stopped! 馬鹿め! 最早脱出など不可能! 神の完成は誰にも止められぬ!


Dante Hey, kid! You giving up so soon? おい、坊や! ギブアップか?
Nero My options…are limited… もう……打つ手無しでね……
Dante So melodramatic. Besides, if you die without giving my sword back, I'm gonna be pissed そりゃ大変だな。死ぬのは勝手だが、刀は返せよ?
Nero Then come and get it… 取りに来な……


Dante huh, What a punk… はっ、悪ガキめ……


Nero Kyrie. I failed to save you キリエ。君を助けられなかった……


Nero Kyrie… キリエ……
Kyrie Nero…Thank you… ネロ……ありがとう……


Nero Kyrie! Kyrie! I swear it! I swear I'm going to get us out of here! Together! Kyrie! …Kyrieee! キリエ! キリエ! 絶対に! 絶対にここから抜け出そう! 君と一緒に! キリエーー!


Nero Check it out! It's got wings! 見ろよ! 翼が生えた!
Trish The design shows terrible taste 悪趣味なデザインね


Dante Hey, where's that thing going? It's not complete yet, is it? おい、あれは何処に行った? 完成したんだろ?
Credo It is in his heart to save this world from chaos…. He will begin by driving it out 世界の救済には混沌が必要だ……。魔界の復活が……
Trish Now he has what he needs…Yamato その為に必要なのが……閻魔刀ってわけね
Credo Sparda used it to seal the Hell Gate from the demon world, the sword is the key to opening the Hell Gate.
The real Hell Gate…. That has dominant beneath this city…
Dante The sword that separetes the human world from the demon world… 人と魔を分かつ剣か……
  I think you, the son of the Dark Knight Sparda…are the only one who can stop the Savior now. Dante… 貴方なら、伝説の魔剣士スパーダの息子である貴方ならば……あるいは神すらも倒せるかもな。ダンテ……
Trish Looks like you've get a rep to live up to 期待されてるみたいね
Dante Looks that way らしいな


Credo Please… honor one last request…. Save them…Kyrie…and…Nero… 頼む……救ってやってくれ……。キリエと……ネロを……


Dante I'll do it. I wouldn't want to deny anyone their dying request わかったよ。遺言なら仕方ねぇ
Trish I'll sweep the city and evacuate the people じゃあ私は住民の避難を
Dante Hey! Is this your way of ditching and dumping this mess on―― おい! そもそもお前が――
Trish You wanna switch? じゃあ代わる?


Dante …It's good. Let's stick to the plan ……いや。こっちがいい


Mission11 終了


