Devil May Cry4




Dante What took you so long? 遅かったな
Nero You…. What are you doing here? Forget it. I don't have time for this 今さら… 何の用だ?
Dante And neither do I. So I'll cut to the chase そろそろ……鬼ごっこは止めだ


Dante I'm here for the sword その刀を返せ
Nero Your point being? 何の話だ?


Dante It was originally my brother's…. Return it to me and I'll let you go, kid 俺の兄貴の物でね 返すなら——見逃してやるよ 坊や
Nero Kid? Well…. If that's how you see me I think you'll blush a pretty pink when I kick your ass! ”坊や”か…我ながら甘くみられたもんだ!


Dante Ah, helpful hint, take a tip from your elders… ん〜、忠告だ。年長者は敬え



Dante You cooled off yet, kid? 頭は冷えたか、坊や?


Dante What's the matter? Why the glare? 何だよ? 何か文句でもあるのか?
Nero You look as if you've just being playing me from the beginning 殺す気は無いって顔だな


Dante That sword…was used to separate our world from the demons.
I can't have something of that kinda power floating around now can I? It's got to stay in the family
Nero I need this… 必要なんだ……


Dante Then keep it なら、持ってけ


Dante Now that you're calm and cool…. Get going 頭も冷えただろ……。行きな


Dante Hey! What's your name? おい! 名前は?
Nero Nero. You're Dante, right? Not a bad name… ネロだ。あんたはダンテだろ? ……悪くない名前だ
Dante Neither is yours お前もな


Dante Hahaha, huh! That regal look suits you ははは! 似合ってるじゃないか
Gloria I dress to impress それはどうも

Trish Are you sure you want to let him go? 行かせていいの?
Dante Yeah, I figure he can bear the burden ああ、あんな顔されちゃあな
Trish I know it's not my business, but this could get ugly 大事になっても知らないわよ?
Dante Well, if the kid screws up, then I'll just have to kick his ass その時は……まぁ、俺がケツを拭くさ

Mission10 終了


