Sanctus | 2,000 years ago…. |
今より2000年前 |
The dark knight Sparda, turned against his demon bretheren and took up his sword for the sake of mankind. |
魔剣士スパーダは、悪魔でありながら、我ら人間の為に剣を取って下さった | |
Though despite his brave efforts in our names. I fear some have forgotten the truth of that great sacrifice. |
されど人はその事実を忘れ去り、今や堕落の妬みにあると言って良い | |
If the events of that terrible time were reoccur, the fusing of both the demonic and human realms. |
あの忌まわしき時代が再来すれば……、封じられた魔界が復活すれば…… | |
We, weak humans, would have no means by which to oppose our submission. And so I ask you to unite! |
我らはあまりにか弱い。抗うことなど出来よう筈も無い。我らはただ祈りを捧げよう | |
And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, |
どんな困難が我らを襲おうとも | |
our graclous savior would shelter us from the storm. …Let us pray |
神が必ず救ってくださると信じて。……祈るのだ |
Kyrie | Nero…. What's wrong? |
ネロ……、どうしたの? |
Nero | I'm outta here |
帰るのさ |
Kyrie | But it's not over yet… |
でもまだお祈りが…… |
Nero | All this preaching's putting me to sleep |
眠たくなるだけだ |
Credo | Your holiness! |
教皇! |
(ダンテが次々とクレドの部下を殺めていく。クレドは伏した教皇に駆け寄る) |
Credo | No! |
くそ…! |
(ダンテがクレドに迫っていく) |
Kyrie | Credo! |
兄さん! |
Nero | Kyrie! |
キリエ! |
(ダンテがキリエに迫っていくが、ネロがダンテを蹴り飛ばし、 石像の上で銃を向け合って対立する) |
Kyrie | Nero! |
ネロ! |
Nero | Kyrie! Go with your brother and get outta here! |
キリエ! クレドと逃げろ! |
Credo | I will return with help! You stall him until then! |
援護を呼ぶ! 死ぬなよ! |
(クレドがキリエと共にその場を離れる) |
Nero | I won't hold my breath |
期待せずに待つさ |
(ネロとダンテの銃撃戦) |
Nero | You got a jacked up notion fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off |
余裕たっぷりかよ…。ムカつく野郎だ |
(銃撃戦終了) |
Nero | I guess this doesn't quite cut it |
銃だけじゃ無理か…… |
(ネロが剣を取る) |
Nero | What's the point of packin' a sword like that if you aren't even gonna use it? |
その剣、飾りじゃないんだろ? |
(剣戟戦開始。ダンテがネロの右腕に気付く) |
Dante | You got a trick up your sleeve |
どういう仕掛けになってるんだ? |
Nero | I thought the cat had your tongue. But if it's a trick you looking for……then try this! |
喋れるのかよ……。だが種明かしは……してやれないな! |
Dante | Looks like you too, are a… |
まさかお前も…… |
Nero | Hate to interrupt, but I wanna wrap this show up before the cavalry arrives! |
人が来る前に終わらせてやる |
(ネロがバスターでダンテを攻めていく) |
Dante | So you're lookin' to play, huh? …Alright. I guess I got some time to kill… |
まだやるか? 来いよ、遊んでやる |
Nero | Tough guy, huh? Well… |
タフだな。じゃあ…… |
(二度、三度鍔迫り合う) |
Nero | I think I'll have to take you down a couple notches |
徹底的に叩くだけのことだ |
Dante | Whatever you say, kid |
そりゃ楽しみだ |
(本格的に殺り合う。ネロがダンテを殴り倒して投げ飛ばした後、 ダンテの剣を投げ付けて石像にダンテごと突き刺す) |
Dante | Getting better… |
やるな…… |
(まだ生きているダンテにネロが驚愕する) |
Dante | I would even go as far as to say that I underestimated your…abilities |
少しばかりお前の力を……甘く見てた |
Nero | You aren't human, are you? |
人間じゃない? |
Dante | We're the same…You and……and them |
お互いサマだろ。 お前も——俺も こいつらも |
(ダンテが殺したのは人間では無かったことに、ネロが気付く) |
Dante | Though I suspect you carry something different from the others | お前は少し違うみたいだがな |
Nero | What are you talking about? |
何の事だ? |
Dante | You will come to learn the meaning soon enough. But business beckons |
そのうち分かるさ。俺は…仕事があるんでね |
(ダンテが去ろうとする) |
Nero | Hey! |
おい! |
(ネロがダンテに向けて銃を撃つ) |
Dante | Adios, kid! |
アバヨ、坊や! |
(教団の人間が何人か中に入ってくるが、ネロは悪魔の右腕を見られないよう後ろ手に隠す) |
この英語台詞集は、 へたれマスターさんから頂いたデータを元に エヴァが作成いたしました。 |